Persistent Telnet Polarhome Shell Wannabe

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Postby univolt_openbsd » Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:47 pm

::::> Don't let this happen to you... :huh:

Antworten Allen antworten Weiterleiten Umleiten Löschen


Say wait a minute... I have an idea! I've got >= $10.00
American DollarinneeEes that says you Boys -can't- turn
univolt_openbsd Newbie

<a href='' target='_blank'></a> <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

into a Telnet/SSH paar excellence nonpareil DUDE in few
days (to years). Then C, C++, Java, Fortran 77, and then
the utterly complete Cormen Lieserson Rivest book. [sp?]


You know, by the way, -Don- Knuth and I BOTH :cheers:
have a polymathic music -- programming double-headed-thing
happening for us: he, you might know, builds and performs
and designs Church Organs.

AND! Look at out host of hosts artistic talent, if you need
more proof of MY worthiness <-- cunning/way too clever finesse...
watch this -apparent- Newbie, he may not be as low-all [cf.
reverse preconscious psycho-pointer [here's you: xgxgnngh, YAaa!]:
Robert Lowell] as he appears, height-geek/dwarf-glitz ratio-wise.

Here is the deal: *all suddenly interested in DWEEB they huddle
in like a homeless, packless, Minnesota penguin around a can of
hot beans inexplicably -B-e|anerying [cf. M. Heideggers word
making to express new (necessarily so) thoughts in Sein und Zeit]
in the middle on The Mall of America parking lot -- but since this
is my post -- so what if it is explicable or inexpic~*


Deal: There was a flood in Memphis. I lost my computer cash
and mind -- almost. Clearly I am fine now, sure sure, I see...
don't -i-? I have to learn Telnet/SSH from a library or internet
cafe browser -- no installs allowed -- had a
config -I think- invoked a Windows NT (this terminal here in
library's) Telnet client[?] ---- so I know this is doable.
If we can make a convincing film of seding men without women
to the moon; -- I'm sure enough said ["nnghxgxghhh, YaaAA..."]
{would you have placed one more small a there, for the dis-
rspct nasal exhal-O's-comment? [shwoooshed that one by ya!!??]}

All I need is the fellow whose English I insulted unintentionally
and youze'all to help me figure this position v. learning [see
Greek 'manthanein'] tool acq. out, see? Good. Don will like
that. Yes, of course, I'll spak with him about your helping
us. [ticTOCticTOCticTOC Aaaannnnnkkk! sorry, too late with that

*waves money in front of computer monitor* Look, see?
here -IT- is. "Now, go take on this NEWBIE_LOON_OPENBSD






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MailTo: \ <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
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Wdb/Rue d'Auseil /& HEY! Post a few posts once in a while --
you need to "get 'out' more...... {|8:^)> to .. the .........:::
|\:/| <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Visit Us Often To Learn To Look To Enlarge To

excellent semiotocons [cf. Umberto Eco's non-fiction work in
signs and symbols; meaning v. signification. plz, if you
wood {sic}], new -- "excellent -- and now... the 'Tranya'"
[fr. Star Trek Epsd. VUS 58937378b/Zed] ;)


--WC Fields: "Well, they're not gona tell me I don't love ['em]..."

Postby DenisF » Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:59 pm

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Postby univolt_openbsd » Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:05 pm

Well, I'm trying... "keep failing better"
Yes but ---- but --- ........ 'imposseEEblehh!'...
sorry... -- I LOVE FRANCE TOO, YA KNOW!!
-- ever seen an entire historic major
country cringe...?

Postby DenisF » Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:25 pm

Not really, but even that wouldn't help me understand that big post.. :lol:
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Postby birberto » Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:04 pm

That`s a nice story but i guess you should explain your problem/question more briefly/shortly. Maybe that way it`ll be understandable...
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Postby univolt_openbsd » Sat Jul 10, 2004 11:18 pm

I put it in this way recently, and, yup, good call:
I'm sorry to be so voluble (sans content upgrade
ratio gain) in the post above:

Maybe this is better, I hope:

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

I am going to learn humility... :rolleyes:
Salus pupuli suprema lex esti: 8)

not sacrcasm: rather, bonhomie-> // Thank you
for any help, especially as regards the parsimony
cogency matrix singularity dealie. :<

Postby miker_alpha » Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:24 am

Still not very clear.

Does <a href='' target='_blank'>Jave Telnet applet</a> have any relevance here?

Look for OpenVMS help on my webpage
Check for QOTD here.
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Postby univolt_openbsd » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:14 pm

:D Yes, that is the subjective truth alright.

But I have a new incentive program that may amplify the smaller notes of the woodwind section in that long compostion, if that helps you.

I will be proud and happy to find Polarhome accepting my $10.00 (United States of America Postal Service) Money Order (or American Express M.O.*~ [N.B.: -- surface mail leaving Memphis, TN, USA tomorrow, like my mind, my country, my ethics, my personality when it comes to playing and paying well with others, especially my most handsome allies ;) ) ~*sent First Class [July 14th] with all of the lettuce-cold-crisp Polarhome's form downloaded/copied, signed, and sealed and [--if I could--personally hand-]delivered [-- something, notwithstanding, I retain a fondness for the pleasure of imagining: viz. a more bonhomie[2] camraderie-intensive setting] -- in return for the thoughtful contempt-free response for which, it is patently clear, I have been asking.

You can still stridently strutt your wood-be (sic) Stroustrup, later, all you like. As a former Wall-Street broker and technical writer I've seen them all. All shapes and sizes of self-estimators++.

Moreover, I will continue to send an honorarium of $5.00 a month into perpetuity or until the day I perceive intentional misdirection or a lack of understanding, grokking, or geeking this very important principi, and by which I live:

Contempt is the weapon of the weak and a defense against one's own despised and unwanted feelings. --Alice Miller

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Please email "response-me" if you are the very respected, even world-class, admired, lauded, rightly venerated, administrator of Polarhome. Support from the right political leader can do wonders, don't you agree? Especially if the cause is just, by A's Nichomachean Ethic's measures.

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
<a href='' target='_blank'></a> :)

"Programming is understanding..."
But 'understanding' is predicated upon a willingness, over and above velleity, to understand, my friendly contentiousness-for-its- own-non-sense-saked friend. [--W.D. Brindle, Professional Tech Writer and "polymathic" poet. IT + CLA = SYNERGY like Spiderman.]

Naturally, I could spend the $60 a year plus initial good will $10 elsewhere with similar results -- but I don't like settling for second best,
which is also why I do not care for your responses above. Respectfully.

Postby afonic » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:29 pm

OK you certainly need a doctor!

I can't remember the last time I needed a dictionary to read a post! :)
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Postby univolt_openbsd » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:45 pm

Oh, come on, you need a dictonary? Ya right... you need a dictinary like Betty Davis needed mascara. :eek:

[A cosmetic applied to darken the eyelashes.]
q.v.: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

I'm serious, of course. Chatty, yes but honest. And not a misanthrope. :shock:

Postby afonic » Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:23 pm

Yeah English is not the first language of most of us here, that's why sometimes I need a dictionary!
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Postby antsy » Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:00 pm

I know I'm going to regret this, but here goes.

This is a very, very basic primer in using a telnet client on Windows to connect to a remote Polarhome system where you have a shell account.

You're in Windows of some description.

Go to your Start menu and select Run.

In the "Open" field of the dialog box that opens, type the word telnet

A window should open on your screen. In the "Connect" menu of this window, select "Remote system".

From your username, I assume you have a Polarhome shell account on OpenBSD. In the dialog box that appears, you need to enter the following:

Host name:
Port: 732

To connect by telnet to other Polarhome systems, you need the same host name but a different port number, as described in the <a href='' target='_blank'>Polarhome Port Forwarding Guide.</a>

Leave the "termtype" field in the dialog box alone. vt100 is okay.

Click on the Connect button on the dialog box. The dialog box should then close.

There should be some activity on the main window, and you should eventually be prompted for your username (or login). Click on the window and enter your username, and the press the Enter key

Typing errors should be corrected using the delete key.

You will then be prompted for your password. Enter that in the same way (it should not be echoed to the screen) and you should be then logged in.

If you get your username or password wrong, you may be given a second or third chance. If you are disconnected, just select "Remote system" from the Connect menu and start again.

Eventually you will be facing a shell prompt on the main window. Details of the shell prompt vary from system to system--and you can tailor it to suit your own preferences--but usually it looks something like this (this is what mine looks like on my debian shell account).


Congratulations, you just successfully logged into your shell account using telnet. Your computer is running a telnet "client" program to communicate with the remote computer (one of the Polarhome computers), where you are running a shell session.

You can close the telnet session by logging out of the remote computer and then closing the window. To log out of a shell, you use the command "exit".

A command in a shell session is entered by typing it at a shell prompt and then pressing the Enter key.

This command would close the shell session and disconnect you from the remote computer:

antsy@debian:~$ exit

Let us know how you get on with this. There are some potential glitches, so at this stage I will not be more ambitious (though I'm sure you're eager to get on with other things).

If you're tempted to explore and try other commands you may have read about, just one word of warning: the UNIX shell is a very powerful tool, and like all powerful tools it can be dangerous. In particular, be aware that if you accidentally delete or overwrite a file there is no reliable way to retrieve it. There is no trash can where deleted items go. On a busy system the disk blocks that held the data may be re-used and overwritten in a matter of milliseconds after file deletion.

Postby sjaz » Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:58 pm

Good post antsy.
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Postby afonic » Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:46 am

Actually there is not something like this, I suggest a mod splits this post and makes it a sticky one.
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Postby antsy » Thu Sep 30, 2004 7:52 am

Perhaps someone would like to compose a primer on the use of the basic file and directory primitives: cat, cd, pwd, mkdir, ls, cp, mv, rm and rmdir. Just enough so that a newbie feels fairly confident at the shell prompt, and knows how to terminate a cat from the terminal and get back to the shell PS1 prompt.

You'd start by instructing the newbie to create a directory, explaining that it means the same as "folder", and then instruct him on how to cd to that directory and create and manipulate a few files. For DOS users, you'd explain the difference between DOS cd and UNIX cd (the latter when used with no parameters moves to the user's home directory, whereas the former equates to pwd).

Working in a subdirectory like this would minimize the destructive potential of an accidental rm *

Postby DenisF » Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:28 pm

You gotta remember that shell access on polarhome isn't free anymore.

so not every billy bob joe gets access to shell.

with that in mind, those who do choose to upgrade, are often already familar with linux in one way or another, and have set goals about what they wanna do with it [eggdrop being the most common].
so creating faqs on 'how to create a directory?' etc' would be useless, imho.
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Postby sjaz » Thu Sep 30, 2004 4:04 pm

No harm in making it sticky if someone writes it up.
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