redhat box restarting...

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redhat box restarting...

Postby uroskn_redhat » Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:03 pm

Sorry, for bothering again...
I noticed that redhat box is restarting

Code: Select all
top - 16:52:05 up 1 day,  7:23,  1 user,  load average: 10.45, 11.56, 9.91

It's happening almost 1-2 per 2 months.

I'm not complaining... (Services are provided "AS IS" etc, i know), i would just like to know what is "going on". :roll: Or it's just a regular routine? :lol:

And P.S: zoli: You read address wrong in the second form i send to you (for another shell). It's not Kranjice, it's konjice. I wrote second in a hurry; so it can't be read correctly, or it's truly my handwrite so bad?
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